Saturday, January 28, 2012

FDR: American Badass; A Pre-Review

I just watched the Redband trailer for the upcoming movie FDR: American Badass and I must say this has the potential to be one of the worst movies that will come out in the next year.

View the Trailer and we'll continue from there.


Saying that this could be one of the worst movies to come out this year may be a bit of an understatement but there's one thing I must also say. There is no amount of money you could pay me to NOT watch this movie. Not only does it feature Barry Bostwick as FDR, but it also stars a hodge podge of some of the greatest comedy actors to grace, in many occasions, the small screen through TV movies and sitcoms including but not limited to; Ed Metzger, Paul Wilson, Lin Shaye, Kevin 'Hercules' Sorbo, Bruce McGill and Ray Wise.

The thing that is appealing to me about FDR is it's obvious grasp of the campy movies from the 70s and 80s that it's embracing all too well. This is a prime example of what grindhouse films used to be; bad makeup, worse acting, terrible writing and a boat load of fun. Movies like this can't be, or are extremely hard to take seriously. Compare the poster for FDR:

Against the poster for the upcoming Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter:

The two don't even come close to eachother. But based on poster alone, which are you more likely to see? A dark semi-vague movie that you assume is about Honest Abe hunting down Vampires (Please don't let them sparkle!) or would you rather see some movie that features a guy in a freaking wheelchair weilding a Tommy gun?

I'll take the Tommy gun please. From everything floating around the internet Abe is going to take a bit more heat since it's based on a book. It always seems that people get in a fuss over book adaptations, with FDR, you've got nothing to worry about. It's straight up new material.

FDR has the potential to take over a spot in my heart that has up to this point been filled with a love for the fake movie trailer for Werewolf Women of the SS which was made by Rob Zombie as a teaser trailer shown with the Grindhouse Double Feature presented by Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez in 2007.

I always hoped Werewolf Women of the SS would get made but now I think I may be able to be happy with FDR: American Badass. Regardless of the ridiculous plot that FDR has, Nazi werewolves spreading the polio virus, it is exactly what you would expect from a film that appears to take a lot of lead from the films of Russ Meyer through the 60s to early 70s.

I will always have a soft spot for films like this in my heart, campy films are super enjoyable as long as you aren't expecting to get much out of it. I'll see you in the theaters on release day for this one for sure.

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